What do oil and the garden of Eden have in common?

A geophysicist for a major oil company said that oil deposits (which are found all over the world, even under the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic) result from the decomposition of plant and animal life. The geophysicist went on to say that the earth’s richest, deepest, and largest deposits of petroleum lie under the sands of countries just east of Israel in the location pinpointed in the bible as the garden of Eden. *

The fertility of Eden’s vast expanse of forests, foliage, vegetation, and animals was unparalleled in all of human history. What was once a paradise on earth, now lies as a barren and blazing desert, due to the world-wide flood of Noah’s day (Genesis 6). Because of the vastness and richness of the plant and animal life in Eden, the flood caused the richest deposits of oil in the world in what we now call the Middle East.

God told Abraham that he would bless his firstborn son, Ismael by making him into a great nation (Genesis 17:20). Today, we can see that Ismael’s descendants, the Arabs have also been blessed with great wealth from the oil deposits beneath their feet.

I had never before imagined that the gasoline that I pump into my car might be the ruined remains of the rich, vast foliage from the garden of Eden. It’s ironic that Satan may finance the Battle of Armageddon at the end of human history with revenues generated from the garden he spoiled at the beginning of human history. *

May you receive blessings from the Lord each and every day,

* Portions of this article are reprinted by permission from David Jeremiah, The Prophecy Answer Book (Nashville:Thomas Nelson, 2010), 14-15.
