What would sports be like in heaven?

This is a curious thought that just popped into my head today and I think it’s an interesting one to ponder because it got me thinking about how we should live in the here and now.

If you’re like me, you enjoy playing at least one or two sports. My favorites are basketball and flag football. Not that I’ve ever been very good at either of them but when played with people who aren’t trying to hurt you, they can be a lot of fun. These sports involve a lot of running, which I don’t particularly enjoy. Isn’t it amazing how adding a ball to the mix can make something you don’t like to do suddenly something that’s fun?

I don’t know if people will ever play sports in heaven, but if they did, and particularly if they played contact sports like football, basketball, or hockey, here’s how I envision it would be like.

There will be no pain or injuries.  You know a sport must be fun when you twist an ankle, jam a finger, break a bone, or worse and you still want to play that sport. It seems that everyone who plays sports regularly gets injured at one time or another. Well, at least I have on several occasions.

Well, the good news is, there will be no pain in heaven and therefore I think it’s safe to assume that there won’t be any injuries either. I'm really looking forward to that!
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4
At my age, I hobble around with inflamed joints for at least a few days after playing basketball. It’s especially painful first thing in the morning when I’m trying to get down the stairs. I’m so glad that there will be no more pain when we get to heaven, aren’t you?

Because there will be no sin in heaven…

No one will ever get fouled… at least not on purpose. How many times have you seen players foul each other on purpose? Especially during the playoffs and championship games. They’ll do something that’s blatantly against the rules in order to gain an unfair advantage or to try to keep their opponent from scoring. Because we’ll no longer be burdened with our sinful nature when we get to heaven, there won’t be any foul play.

No one will lose their temper. On this side of eternity, even the most God-fearing athletes sometimes lose their cool. But it won’t be that way in heaven. Everyone will love everyone else just as much as they love themselves. Everyone will treat each other just as they would want to be treated.

Referees will always call games fairly. If there’s even be a need for referees to call games in heaven, they wouldn’t ever be partial to one team or player over another. Every call will be fair. They wouldn’t have to fear a backlash from the fans for not supporting their home team, and they’ll never take bribes.

Food for thought
When you consider what it will be like when we get to heaven, it reminds us how we’re supposed to live right now.

May God bless you as you live for Him, and I hope to play sports with you in heaven,
